Leonardo Burlamaqui
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Leonardo Burlamaqui is Professor at the Department of Economic Evolution, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Research Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute Bard College (New York), Research Professor at the Graduate Program in Public Policies and Development Strategies at the Institute of Economics, and member of the Financial Systems Observatory Research Group also at the Institute of Economics, Federal University at Rio de Janeiro. He is also a member of the International Joseph Schumpeter Society and a contributing editor to the Post Keynesian Economics Forum. Previously he was a Senior Program Officer at The Ford Foundation in New York, directing the Reforming Global Financial Governance initiative. He has a PhD in Economics, awarded by the Federal University at Rio de Janeiro. Burlamaqui has taught, written and published extensively on innovation and competition, development strategies, intellectual property, institutions and economic change, Asian capitalism and the political economy of knowledge and finance. His books include Schumpeter?s Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Twenty First Agenda, Routledge, 2019 , co-edited with Rainer Kattel, Financial Governance, Banking and Financial Instability In Brazil: A Minskyan Perspective ( MINDS books, 2017, co-edited with Felipe Rezende and Matheus Vianna); Minsky Goes Global ? Finance and Political Economy of Forging Ahead and Falling Behind: The Cases of China and Brazil ( MINDS books, 2017, co-edited with Felipe Rezende and Matheus Vianna), The Present and the Future of Development Financial Institutions : Theory and History, ( MINDS/BNDES 2015, co-edited with Rogerio Sobreira and Matheus Vianna); Financial Stability and Growth ? Perspectives on Financial Regulation and New Developmentalism; ( Routledge, 2014, co-edited with Luis Carlos Bresser Pereira and Jan Kregel) ); Politicas Macroecnòmicas y Regulación Financera en America Latina: Un Estudio Comparado ( CEDES, 2014, co-edited with Roberto Frenkel, Mario Damill y Edoardo Corso); Knowledge Governance- Reasserting the Public Interest (Anthem Press, 2012, co-edited with Ana Célia Castro and Rainer Kattel); Institutions and the Role of State (E. Elgar, 2000, co-edited with Ana Célia Castro and Ha-Joon Chang, and Organized Capitalism in Japan (IPEA/CEPAL, 1991, co-authored with Maria da Conceição Tavares and Ernani Torres). Orcid ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6644-1373 .Worldcat publications: http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=Leonardo+burlamaqui&fq=&dblist=638&start=1&qt=previous_page